This quirky novel titled ‘An Auto-Biography: A Tale of Truth – and Ruth’ tells the humorous story of an auto-mobile caught in the middle of an Edwardian romance. Narrated by the auto-mobile this is a true auto-biography. Written by Edward Peple (American, 1869-1924) Author & Playwright.
First Edition, Hard-Cover. Author: Edward Peple. Published by Mofat, Yard and Company, New York, 1915. Blue covers, impressed with coloured title and image of the automobile driving two lovers down a country lane in silhouette under a bright full moon and illuminated sky. 7 ½” x 5 ¼”. 151pp, B & W illustrations by E. R. Lee Thayer. Minor shelf wear to top and bottom edges, little foxing, overall clean, no dustwrapper. First Editions of this novel from 1915 are uncommon, more so in decent condition. It is a very good copy.