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Meyrs Neffe – Liqueur Glasses – Manner of Koloman Moser fo Bakalowits & Sohne, Vienna, Harlequin Set, c. 1900

Availability: Out of Stock
Trues Badge

In the Manner of:
E. Bakalowits & S
öhne (Vienna, )
Koloman Moser (1868-1918)
Meyr’s Neffe (
Possibly Adolf Neffe for Bakalowits
Harlequin Liqueur Glasses, c. 1902
5 ½” high

Description: A grouping of four liqueur glasses in the manner of those designed by Koloman Moser as commissioned by E. Bakalowits & Sohne and executed by Meyr’s Neffe, c. 1900.

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